Thursday, April 24, 2014

Check Your Battery

Summer heat can speed up the chemical reaction inside a battery, causing the battery to be overcharged. This can dramatically shorten the lifespan of your battery. Heat can also damage the battery by evaporating internal battery fluid.

The best way to keep your battery running smoothly is to keep it clean. Regularly detach the battery cables and wipe off the terminals. Make sure the battery is strapped down tightly and that all connections are secure.

If you suspect that your battery is being overcharged or isn't holding a charge well, bring it into our Service Department where we can run a quick battery inspection!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Nucar Mazda Specials

Nucar Mazda is currently celebrating our Spring Cleaning Sales Event! Head into the dealership to get great lease offers! We're also proud to announce Mazda Capital Owner Reward cash of $750 towards the lease of any new 2014 or 2015 Mazda available to current Mazda owners. Come see us today!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Top 5 Dangerous Driving Habits

Many people are guilty of engaging in dangerous driving behavior. We do these things on a daily basis, oblivious as to how harmful how they can be in the unfortunate event of an accident. See the top 5 most dangerous driving habits below.

Eating and drinking: One-handed driving means less control of the steering wheel and shifter. You could also still scalding hot coffee on your work outfit. Eat before you get behind the wheel to avoid putting you and others at risk.
Applying makeup or grooming: Applying makeup while stuck in traffic may seem like a way to save time, but it's a dangerous one at that. Looking in your visor mirror doesn't allow you to pay attention to what's ahead.

Entertainment and electronics: To prevent your love affair with gadgets from becoming a fatal attraction, pull over if a gizmo requires you to focus on a screen and remove your eyes from the road.
Texting and social media: With proliferating technology and social media platforms, texting while driving has become one of the worst driving habits. You're 23 times more likely to get into an accident if you text while driving.
Talking on the phone: Driving under the influence of a cell phone, be it handheld or hands-free, impairs driver reaction to the same level as being at the legal limit for blood alcohol content of .08.

Friday, April 4, 2014

What to Know About Car Insurance

Choosing car insurance coverage can be a little confusing. The first thing you need to know is that there are different types of policies that make up your overall auto insurance. These include:

Liability Coverage: Covers liability and expenses when you are the one at fault in an accident.
Bodily Injury Liability (BIL): Covers the medical expenses of people that were injured in an accident in which you were at fault.
Property Damage Liability: Covers damage to the other vehicle in an accident in which you were at fault.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Covers your medical expenses as well as those of your passengers after an accident.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Covers costs if you are involved in an accident with another motorist who has minimal or no insurance.
Collision: Covers your vehicle’s repairs after an accident.
Comprehensive: Covers expenses if your vehicle is damaged or stolen even if not during an accident.

Almost every state has minimum requirements for car insurance. Check with your insurance company to understand what numbers allow you to legally drive. Since every situation is different, the minimum may not necessarily be enough if you get involved in a car accident. If you have assets like a home, savings, etc., you’ll want to consider getting covered for an amount equal to these.

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